Lead Generation for a Tech Event and Profile Packaging for the Ukrainian Innovative Furniture Manufacturer


About the company

Industry and products: Manufacturing – healthy workstations, electronically height-adjustable desks.

Location: Ukraine

Objectives: Arrange meetings with potential clients at the upcoming offline-event

Project status: Completed

What’s Done:

  • provided their marketing team with professional advising on content management on LinkedIn
  • helped to pack the CEO’s profile
  • helped to clarify company’s ICP for B2B market
  • collected a list of target contacts – attendees of the upcoming tech fair
  • sent personalised invitations to meet in person at the fair on behalf of the company’s CEO
  • arranged meetings with the potential clients at the event
Oleksandra Samokhina Tehnotable
“Due to clear communication and transparent processes, we got what we wanted and even more.”

Oleksandra Samokhina, CEO and Co-Founder at Tehnotable

Tehnotable Reference

Results in 1 month:

booked meetings
conversion rate of invites acceptance (402 contacts invited of which 84 added)
times increase in brand impressions (from 455 content views to 1500+)

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