Social Selling for the Medical Devices Producer

About the company
Industry and products: Retail Health and Personal Care Products
Location: USA
Objectives: Build professional brand for the CEO of the company and find potential partners and investors on LinkedIn
Project status: Completed
What’s Done:
- helped to clarify company’s Ideal Partner Profile
- upgraded the LinkedIn profile of the company’s CEO and Founder
- provide full content management service for personal and company pages
- collected the database of potential partners and investors in target industries according to the ICP
- reach out to target contacts with personalised scripts on the CEO’s behalf
- delivered marketing qualified leads for further processing
Results in 1 month:
points growth of SSI (from 51 to 62)
conversion rate of invites acceptance (680 contacts invited of which 168 added)
profile views growth (comparing 101 at the start to 309 at the end of cooperation)