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Unleash Your LinkedIn Power

Free webinar series for owners of B2B companies and solo professionals

June 24, 25, 26 | 9 am PST 12 pm EST

Dmytro, Anastasiia & Dariia

B2B sales are getting more and more difficult due to

Global economics changes

Fierce competition within industries

General averse to direct sales

You can take this as an opportunity to GROW, finding your blue ocean on LinkedIn

Here is why


LinkedIn #1 trustworthy platform by users 5 years in a row


Today it’s a platform for CEOs and C-Levels


4 out of 5 people on LinkedIn drive business decisions



personal brand






Craft a valuable
sales funnel

Join our free webinar series and learn how to get B2B leads for your business on LinkedIn


1. LinkedIn Launchpad: Mastering Brand Packaging & Professional Profiles | June 24th, 9 am PST / 12 pm EST

  • LinkedIn platform overview
  • How to show up on LinkedIn professionally
  • Free profile audits – BONUS

2. Strategic Content as a Magnet for Your Audience | June 25th, 9 am PST / 12 pm EST

  • Why is content important?
  • What and how to write?
  • How to establish a content generation process

3. AI-Powered LinkedIn Proficiency: Advanced Lead Generation & Optimization Techniques | June 26th, 9 am PST / 12 pm EST

  • Crafting the Ideal Customer Profile
  • Expanding your network and converting connections into leads
  • Best AI-tools & practices for B2B leads generation process on LinkedIn

About speakers

Dmytro Suslov

Dmytro Suslov

CEO and Founder at Addlium.

Key expertise – marketing and sales for B2B.

Helps companies in building and implementing effective marketing and sales strategies.

Anastasiia Bahrii

Anastasiia Bahrii

Chief Delivery at Addlium

Key expertise – marketing project management.

Helps with implementing a social selling approach for B2B companies.

Dariia Kosetska

Dariia Kosetska

Head of Social Selling at Addlium

Key expertise – B2B lead generation.

Helps with building a proper personal brand and expanding business network for C-Levels and solo professionals.

Register for our workshop

If you have any questions, please contact us: